The application is responsible (responsible) can be interpreted as an attempt to apply the law of public accountability, the state and the nation as part of legal certainty in the law, is also tied to the law of justice and utility companies. Law Enforcement is closely connected with the legal system itself. The legal system can mean that a part of the process / steps that are interconnected and must be conducted and supervised by the application of Community law, which led to the creation of legal certainty.
And "well known to the police in Indonesia is very alarming, masyarakatpun also strangely, is never a barrier to keep breaking the law so that people are trained in business from top to violations of law the case of a violation traffic or the common definition of criminal conduct or driving offenses of corruption, no problem. Most people who have been trained and the legal process and are able to influence so that it can be released from the trap of the sentence. It an indicator of weak law enforcement in this country.
Although no action should angkah very repressive system, including: 1). The need to improve or update and complement existing legislation and existing legislation, for example, must be followed by a Government Regulation (PP) of Act 4 of 2004, in particular by providing for criminal penalties for violations of the penal code, in particular that the organization were arrested, detained, prosecuted or sentenced, without a clear law, or accidentally by law or established pursuant to Article 9, paragraph (2) Law No. 4 of 2004, the judiciary, 2) Improve the quality of resources human resources (HR law enforcement), both in terms of morality and intelligence, in part because the law currently exists, does not include the ideals of law is respected;
3). The creation of an independent agency of the government, its members will consist of an intelligent society (non-active judges, prosecutors and police active ingredients), which aims to ensure compliance (enforcement of the law ") that the Agency recommends that the authorities gave sanction for the enforcement of law in violation of the laws of morality and / or violation of the implementation process saw [Article 9, paragraph (1) and (2) of Law 4 of 2004 on the judiciary, Jo. Article 17 Section. Jo Articles 3 (2) and (3) Jo. Psl.18 subsection (1) and (4) of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (Human)], 4) The need for rules welfare of others and the will to do, especially law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors and police (not legal) for their professionalism in law enforcement in Indonesia is more concentrated in larger work with the right destination under the laws of force.
5) The conduct of legal and social legislation by the public under the legal principle that says that "all companies are considered to know the law," even if the product is a new law passed and promulgated and published in the state. Here, the role of legal aid or legal assistance, legal assistance and non-governmental organizations or similar institutions is necessary, particularly in the production of "defense" of the laws and regulations can be effectively distributed and respected by all components that exist in this country to achieve the objectives of the law itself. 6). The share of construction (commitment) in town for the uniform application. This commitment must be born, especially in the beginning and the initiative "The House of Chess" application of the elements, or 4, ie, judges, lawyers, prosecutors and police, and commitment that can be emulated and followed in whole of society;
However, the measures suggested above for a sound system of law enforcement would not be able to run smoothly, without the full support of the government itself ("clean government"), as the law is applied (application of law '") is part of the legal system of government. State Government ("executor lapuissance"), the independence of the agencies that depend on it to enforce the law that this institution, "The Practice" and "Police" entities in reality that the law is the law of government behavior policy platform mengkondisi grammar aware of Indonesian society and are trying to enforce the law in the life of the nation. The application is based and the evidence that Indonesia is a true rule of law ("rule of law" ). Also, people should be aware of policies and measures are used as a basis for assessing a police force accountable to the public in a control culture of the society, without which the police in Indonesia is only good in the Republic of dreams to create.
And "well known to the police in Indonesia is very alarming, masyarakatpun also strangely, is never a barrier to keep breaking the law so that people are trained in business from top to violations of law the case of a violation traffic or the common definition of criminal conduct or driving offenses of corruption, no problem. Most people who have been trained and the legal process and are able to influence so that it can be released from the trap of the sentence. It an indicator of weak law enforcement in this country.
Although no action should angkah very repressive system, including: 1). The need to improve or update and complement existing legislation and existing legislation, for example, must be followed by a Government Regulation (PP) of Act 4 of 2004, in particular by providing for criminal penalties for violations of the penal code, in particular that the organization were arrested, detained, prosecuted or sentenced, without a clear law, or accidentally by law or established pursuant to Article 9, paragraph (2) Law No. 4 of 2004, the judiciary, 2) Improve the quality of resources human resources (HR law enforcement), both in terms of morality and intelligence, in part because the law currently exists, does not include the ideals of law is respected;
3). The creation of an independent agency of the government, its members will consist of an intelligent society (non-active judges, prosecutors and police active ingredients), which aims to ensure compliance (enforcement of the law ") that the Agency recommends that the authorities gave sanction for the enforcement of law in violation of the laws of morality and / or violation of the implementation process saw [Article 9, paragraph (1) and (2) of Law 4 of 2004 on the judiciary, Jo. Article 17 Section. Jo Articles 3 (2) and (3) Jo. Psl.18 subsection (1) and (4) of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (Human)], 4) The need for rules welfare of others and the will to do, especially law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors and police (not legal) for their professionalism in law enforcement in Indonesia is more concentrated in larger work with the right destination under the laws of force.
5) The conduct of legal and social legislation by the public under the legal principle that says that "all companies are considered to know the law," even if the product is a new law passed and promulgated and published in the state. Here, the role of legal aid or legal assistance, legal assistance and non-governmental organizations or similar institutions is necessary, particularly in the production of "defense" of the laws and regulations can be effectively distributed and respected by all components that exist in this country to achieve the objectives of the law itself. 6). The share of construction (commitment) in town for the uniform application. This commitment must be born, especially in the beginning and the initiative "The House of Chess" application of the elements, or 4, ie, judges, lawyers, prosecutors and police, and commitment that can be emulated and followed in whole of society;
However, the measures suggested above for a sound system of law enforcement would not be able to run smoothly, without the full support of the government itself ("clean government"), as the law is applied (application of law '") is part of the legal system of government. State Government ("executor lapuissance"), the independence of the agencies that depend on it to enforce the law that this institution, "The Practice" and "Police" entities in reality that the law is the law of government behavior policy platform mengkondisi grammar aware of Indonesian society and are trying to enforce the law in the life of the nation. The application is based and the evidence that Indonesia is a true rule of law ("rule of law" ). Also, people should be aware of policies and measures are used as a basis for assessing a police force accountable to the public in a control culture of the society, without which the police in Indonesia is only good in the Republic of dreams to create.