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Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Corruption, Democracy and Development

Countries with political instability processes, systems of government are not well developed, and that the poor are open to opportunists who promise resources or infrastructure construction in haste abuse, but not to compete openly in a democratic way, these promises and hope of a better future, but his way of doing business is bad country of political corruption.

For our country, even in the early legislation eliminating 3 of the Corruption Act, 1971 Jo. Law No. 31 of 1999 Jo. Act No. 20 of 2001, taking into account the bill had argued that "because of the corruption that took place during the financial loss that the State or the country's economy, including growth and sustainability of national development menghabat, and high efficiency requirements. "but the fact that corruption is endemic to national development worldwide and interrupted. Regional autonomy in Indonesia since the conduction system of corruption in government is at the center to the regions that the correct amount is much higher at the central level.

Corruption is a social evil (extra ordinary crime) to be eradicated through a process of judicial corruption. To be effective, anti-corruption efforts are not enough to make legislation at both national and international, but first you must set the people to eradicate corruption in itself, without building the human resources that will be impossible to eradicate corruption can not be reduced very eradicate corruption .. In the theory of corruption can occur due to two (2) factors occur simultaneously, ie, the factor "risk" factors "stimulus", where it remains the case factor associated with weak systems surveillance, which are always stimulating factor associated with mental and moral attitude of the poorest human resources.

In a word occurs in a system of hard work and good quality management and staff have a good mentality. But if the act of corruption has become a culture in this country, while the cultural values ​​that tend to be eternal, then it is certainly difficult to eradicate corruption, despite the legislation on combating corruption is so complete but corruption remains current. Starting today, we are so busy fighting crime and combating corruption in the Suharto era, regardless of the interests of the appearance of the utmost importance, so the bias is politically and economically, is very harmful to our national development where corruption is Soehato the time between political elites and economic elites are well equipped to advance corrupt activities safely out of the country, so the fight requires a lot of energy and a very long long.

Our priorities in the fight against corruption, not realizing that he was careless and forget to address the serious problems of building a nation that was so chaotic in the midst of the misery experienced by the majority of Indonesia. In the interest of people like it or not go back and look at the current policy. Start with a vendetta between the political elite and reformers in this country without mutual accusations of corruption, because there is no ivory that is not broke, like most politicians in this country diperturutkan can be a prison.

Then used for political stability, economic stability and security in the country to create. Wake up to secondary education and moral development of nationalism, the struggle against corruption, the point to the current period of reform by the same need to be controlled and monitored the current government's reign of Suharto corruption pemeritahan needed political solution that would be interested in taking the business overseas in the form of investment, or building a company in Indonesia that can provide jobs for many people. The work in national development are neglected, which began with the operation of the National Development Planning (BAPENAS) for national development with the creation of the Five Year Plan (Repelita) to make, so that development can be controlled by the people in general and the extent to which a period of not more powerful permbangunan government action against his people, because people need today most frankly there is not enough food, clothing and shelter, but also a sense of security stress in daily life and not just political promises in the midst of the confusion and uncertainty of the future!.