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Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Corruption, Democracy and Development

Countries with political instability processes, systems of government are not well developed, and that the poor are open to opportunists who promise resources or infrastructure construction in haste abuse, but not to compete openly in a democratic way, these promises and hope of a better future, but his way of doing business is bad country of political corruption.

For our country, even in the early legislation eliminating 3 of the Corruption Act, 1971 Jo. Law No. 31 of 1999 Jo. Act No. 20 of 2001, taking into account the bill had argued that "because of the corruption that took place during the financial loss that the State or the country's economy, including growth and sustainability of national development menghabat, and high efficiency requirements. "but the fact that corruption is endemic to national development worldwide and interrupted. Regional autonomy in Indonesia since the conduction system of corruption in government is at the center to the regions that the correct amount is much higher at the central level.

Corruption is a social evil (extra ordinary crime) to be eradicated through a process of judicial corruption. To be effective, anti-corruption efforts are not enough to make legislation at both national and international, but first you must set the people to eradicate corruption in itself, without building the human resources that will be impossible to eradicate corruption can not be reduced very eradicate corruption .. In the theory of corruption can occur due to two (2) factors occur simultaneously, ie, the factor "risk" factors "stimulus", where it remains the case factor associated with weak systems surveillance, which are always stimulating factor associated with mental and moral attitude of the poorest human resources.

In a word occurs in a system of hard work and good quality management and staff have a good mentality. But if the act of corruption has become a culture in this country, while the cultural values ​​that tend to be eternal, then it is certainly difficult to eradicate corruption, despite the legislation on combating corruption is so complete but corruption remains current. Starting today, we are so busy fighting crime and combating corruption in the Suharto era, regardless of the interests of the appearance of the utmost importance, so the bias is politically and economically, is very harmful to our national development where corruption is Soehato the time between political elites and economic elites are well equipped to advance corrupt activities safely out of the country, so the fight requires a lot of energy and a very long long.

Our priorities in the fight against corruption, not realizing that he was careless and forget to address the serious problems of building a nation that was so chaotic in the midst of the misery experienced by the majority of Indonesia. In the interest of people like it or not go back and look at the current policy. Start with a vendetta between the political elite and reformers in this country without mutual accusations of corruption, because there is no ivory that is not broke, like most politicians in this country diperturutkan can be a prison.

Then used for political stability, economic stability and security in the country to create. Wake up to secondary education and moral development of nationalism, the struggle against corruption, the point to the current period of reform by the same need to be controlled and monitored the current government's reign of Suharto corruption pemeritahan needed political solution that would be interested in taking the business overseas in the form of investment, or building a company in Indonesia that can provide jobs for many people. The work in national development are neglected, which began with the operation of the National Development Planning (BAPENAS) for national development with the creation of the Five Year Plan (Repelita) to make, so that development can be controlled by the people in general and the extent to which a period of not more powerful permbangunan government action against his people, because people need today most frankly there is not enough food, clothing and shelter, but also a sense of security stress in daily life and not just political promises in the midst of the confusion and uncertainty of the future!.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Corruption vs nationalism

Nationalism is an ideology or doctrine, which creates and maintains the sovereignty of a country to the notion of identity for a group of people to realize that language and culture of a connecting element in social interaction. Ties led to the conscience of the community nationalism / Indonesian people in the treatment of disruptive external environment.

In the history of Indonesia, in particular, nationalism is still very critical of its existence, first as a unifying ideology to fight against the Dutch or Japanese, or the struggle against the hegemony of neo-kolonilalisme. First, if people in this archipelago is scattered, there is no unifying ideology, and of course, the Dutch easily overwhelm us. This is probably the people of the archipelago are fighting each other. Furthermore, when the Dutch policy would cause hostility and attract ongoing conflicts. Second, therefore, if the people of the archipelago was able to release at least nationalism as an ideological discourse in the spirit of independence from Indonesia to call. This type of nationalism, although sometimes misunderstood, why keep the trend of Indonesian nationalism hostile to other countries. However, the increase, as the new nation was trying to stay compact conflicts as the unity of Indonesia, a threat can be addressed on behalf of Indonesian nationalism. Most third parties of nationalism can not be used to verify the identity of Indonesia, nature, making Indonesia the world. However, what is recorded with the world of Indonesian nationalism. Probably not much. At that time, regardless of the construction of Orientalism, people are more familiar with Indonesia as a nation are very friendly countries, developing countries and the poor have a language of Indonesia unit, which is more than 600 local languages ​​and have even to this day. Well, in our country, Indonesia has a number of understanding the concept of nationalism in the islands are included in one unit: the ideology, political and economic, social, cultural, religious, national security and defense).

Therefore, every citizen of Indonesia, in particular when he was appointed as a leader in the power structure that has the archipelago, where the issue should be an absolute obligation to help preserve the territorial integrity of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, as described in the design of IPOLEKSOSBUDAGHANKAMNAS to have. Now this from the comments of the experts can not be denied, our sense of nationalism is very thin, even at the risk of extinction. Association primordialism emerged, focused on tribal ties, regional groups, religious and / or between.

History has shown over the past 30 years, Indonesia has taken a model of authoritarian rule, popularly called the New Order regime. Consequently, many problems of resentment and discontent beneath the surface turbulence. The most important thing was the death of democracy, corruption menjamurkan, the absence of a personal right, and so on. Given the state of the table, the risk of breaking into a bomb. Many people try to religion or ethnicity to mobilize, or even brought the world such as democracy and the discourse of universal justice to resist consolidation. With a hasty and careless, the total resistance to the regime by force, overt or covert. We know that in that time the army was terrifying. The military spirit of Indonesian nationalism. However, the most effective strategy to overcome resistance to the use of the New Order government to combat nationalism, control and eliminate the disappointments that occur in local-local to be broken. Offers Indonesian nationalism ethnic nationalism, or nationalism, nationalism, religion or geographical become a potential power that destroys the State Government to hold.

In this case, nationalism should be constructed so that it focuses on how diversity (national unity) persist in the state of the Indonesian archipelago intuition that the needs of global dependence. But it's still very difficult form of nationalism was built as a social system, legal system and government system has been infected by the corrupt culture that can not be avoided. In the political system or structure of the New Order power has allowed the proliferation of massive corruption in all areas. Corruption is "anchored" to do serious damage to the lower layers of the cultural behavior of people who see corruption as part of the social system, politics, economics, law and government. Even in the early legislation to eliminate corruption Law No. 31 of 1999 Jo. Act No. 20 of 2001 that the review states that "because of the corruption that took place during the financial loss that the State or the country's economy, growth, and even the sustainability of development menghabat National requires a highly effective . "Corruption is not only financial ruin and the country's economy, but to destroy all sectors of the community, nation and a sovereign state.

Welcomes the inauguration of October 28, 2011, this young, we need new schools or schools of nationalism is the nationalism-II, where the new nationalism is all about: a). schools of national unity, because there can be unity as a people we can hire another person to another person, or are able to postpone, 2) to be solved. The creation of the institution and corruption to be eradicated completely, in contrast to national development in all sectors, and 3). The creation of the behavior of every citizen of Indonesia on the need to maintain the integrity of the state and the nation of Indonesia, which provides information to understand the whole archipelago is part of: ideology, economic, national defense, politics, social, cultural, religious, and security. Hope ..!

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Therefore, the candidates agreed to debate

Parliament plenary session in the House, Monday, July 7, 2003 presidential election has finally passed the bill on the presidential election. Bangyak the rate law was born as a result of political negotiations between the different interests of the party elite, each of which a breach in the terms proposed in the bill to the presidential election.

Escape Mensikapi bill showed that the impetus for some of the political class to prevent the escape of the bill, so we can say that half of the campaign for their own ideas and saying his dramatize "The issue returned to the village because people are smart enough to elect the president directly, for example Pilkades Pilkades about it. " The observations may have a point. People who already have experience with the consent of the head. (Pilkades) in his town and people who already have experience of watching the proceedings of the village chief as a candidate for Pilkades, including:

1). People visit from someone (jurkam) of one of the participants are invited to vote for someone with a picture of the monetary and price appreciation, 2). When approached again by someone other than the other participants also requested that I wanted someone with a monetary reward program mecoblos picture is even greater, 3). People are experience, just pragmatic in the middle of the difficult task they face, which should take precedence over how to preserve the life or the preservation of civilized values.;

Although the light of the development experience for this Pilkades people can not worry about this country to lead, why is it important for people who have committed leaders can thrive. Speaking of the accused, the legal nomenclature must be evaluated independently of the glass eyes of the law. People do not feel encouraged to evaluate and draw conclusions or take a stand against. Throughout the story that give more Pitung Betawi Iago as "Maling Budiman," or that their Rhobin Hoot Indonesia, where people's actions can be justified by the Company or wealthy merchants traders steal the point, disappointments and betrayal, because rampokannya always distributed among the poor who suffer. Speaking of "suspicious" because we all have the potential to "suspect" because the moral and highly questionable kometmen in the life of the nation. Perhaps many of us to believe that errors can be considered an act of unlawful conduct, even a criminal, but have not been arrested and interviewed people, we are still alive. The words of the accused "not be used as an aid for defamation (Character assassination) if the words of the accused, not being socialized in the capital of allergy should be addressed to the execution of cynicism. Nelson Mandela in South Africa , ex-offenders would be president of South Africa, although it is a former president, Nelson Mandela is still revered by most South Africans. In our country, if the rule applies to the position of sportsmanship that the defendant has been executed can not say he was guilty so involuntarily in the direction of self-punishing attitude of suspicion.

Presumtion principle of innocence (the presumption of innocence) in accordance with Article 8 of Law No.14/1970 on the main provisions of the Court, namely: "all the suspects, arrested, detained, prosecuted and / or appear before the judge, the presumption of innocence wajiab in the decision of the court pleaded guilty and have the force of the permanent mission. "And under Article 18, paragraph (1) Human Genome Law No.39/1999 Mamusia Rights (HAM) is: "All arrested, detained and prosecuted for alleged crimes done something right to be presumed innocent until he is legally guilty by a court with all the guarantees necessary for his defense in accordance with the law. "Based on this determination, the people must be taught to adults are not guilty of a" suspect ", much less asked for a punitive attitude toward the" suspicious "to be determined by turning the rights of suspects are still there.

Politicians and political elite must understand the law, menimal understand about the rights of the accused and not a commodity "suspects" political, not trying to popularity, the destruction of others (political opponents). Departure from the principle of the right to presumption of innocence, but also under Article 8 of Law No.14/1970 and Article 18, paragraph (1) Law No.39/1999, May is justified by the law "suspect" presidential candidate, a candidate for the structure of government or head of a candidate in higher education institutions of other countries in the Republic. If the country continues to apply the rule of law must respect the legal rights of a person as a whole and complete.